How to prepare the real Italian recipe of “Tartine” easy and quick in 5 minutes. Fancy Small Bites, Party Snack
Small Bread Bites are always a good option with friends and of course a great selection of wines. How many times we have to organize a dinner last minute or even a light lunch with so many friends and family, like during the Holidays Season for example, the idea here is to prepare the “Tartine” selection of breads with different sauces and ingredients, it’s fast, creative and really enjoyable, for everyone.
A fancy appetizer easy to share. Below 5 ideas for great sauces. Be creative!
Ingredients and Preparation
- Sliced Bread white or brown as you prefer, always roasted and crunchy.
- Add the different sauces as suggested below on top of the sliced toasted bread and enjoy.
Smoked Salmon and Philadelphia cheese Sauce
- 2 slices of Smoked salmon, a sprinkling of Pink Pepper, a package of Cream Cheese (like Philadelphia cream).
- Blend all ingredients and serve with green olives and cucumbers.
Mediterranean Sauce with Pachino Tomato and Basil
- Pachino Tomato, Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Black Pepper, Olives, Basil.
- Cut in thin small tomato, seasoned with garlic, salt and black pepper, let rest for half an hour and served on toasted bread or baguettes, sprinkle with basil and olives cut in pieces.
Mousse with Curry and Grilled Vegetables
- 3 tablespoons of Mayonnaise, 2 teaspoon of Curry.
- Spread and serve with grilled vegetables selected as you prefer.
Pea Cream with Prawns on top
- Frozen or ideally fresh Peas, 1 clove of Garlic, 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Ricotta Cheese, Thyme as you prefer, steamed Prawns.
- Heat in a pan of fresh or frozen peas with a clove of garlic and extra virgin olive oil and blend the peas with fresh ricotta cheese and thyme. Spread and serve with prawns steamed.
Anchovies Sauce, with Yogurt and Zucchini or Peppers
- 5 Anchovies, a jar of Yogurt greek, finely chopped Parsley, 1 roasted Red Pepper or 1 roasted Zucchini.
- Blend all ingredients and serve with a fillets of roasted pepper or roasted zucchini.
Posted by Nicoletta and Tiziana